Trace My FeetUpdated a year ago
Foot tracing is suitable for customers in need of semi or full custom shoes. For customers looking for sizing information, please refer to our general sizing page or use our Brand Comparison widget found on our online store, found on every product page.
Sizing varies across the range of Bont Cycling shoes with both European and US listed for comparison. Download the Bont Cycling Tracing Grid and easily measure the length and width of both feet using our A4 or US Letter PDF with 3mm box grid. Instructions for measuring can be found below.
The tracing grid also allows customers to determine if they may need semi or full custom shoes. Foot tracings demonstrate the areas where additional space or varied shaping is required and allows our custom team to assess the best size, width and style of shoe for your feet.
Our Shoe Size Finder will also assist in finding the correct size and width shoe for your feet for those with more general sizing needs.
Bont Cycling shoes vary in size by 5mm so it's important to measure your left and right foot length and width as accurately as possible.
Need to know more about sizing? Click the red 'speech bubble' in the corner of the screen and we'll get back to you within 2-3 business days.
How to trace your feet
1. Download the A4 or US Letter Bont Cycling Tracing Grid and print with zero scaling. Check the dimensions and you're good to start the tracing process.
2. Take your shoes and socks off and stand with your left foot directly on the page. Keep your foot as close to the left and bottom edges as possible unless your foot is too large to fit on the paper. If so, place your foot diagonally across the page as shown in the image below.

3. Take a thin black pen and hold it in a vertical position. Begin to trace around the entirety of the foot while ensuring you do not make the tracing smaller or larger than your foot length and width. You should be standing upright position on both legs with load weighted onto the forefoot (front of foot). This step is best performed with an assistance or helper but it can be done yourself if required.

4.Remove your foot and repeat the tracing with your right foot.
5. Take a ruler or accurate tape measure and note the length and width of both feet. Mark the longest and widest point of each foot at all four sides and draw a straight line across each section to demonstrate where the measurement is taken. Write length and width of both feet in the area allocated.
6. Scan or photograph (directly from top-down) the tracing and send it to a member of our team to assess. Ensure all relevant details are outlined in your enquiry including issues with current cycling shoes and areas of the foot needed particular attention. Your tracing and information can be sent via the Contact Us button found at the bottom of the page.